Best Strength Training Books in 2019 – Must-Reads to Get in Shape

by | Sep 17, 2019

Synopsis: Strength Training books do not really exist in abundance, but there are some gems which are definetely worth reading. Books like “The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding” and “Starting Strength” are well-known classics within the strength training genre, but there are many others that explore everything from how to get lean, building muscle and strength, to the correct mindset that is relevant to transform into the best shape of your life. Read on for a short but valuable list of the best books on strength training.

The 8 Best Strength Training Books

One of the great things about starting your fitness journey or living the fitness lifestyle is the ongoing learning. Whether it’s from other fitness enthusiasts around you, on online forums, or from the many strength training books that have been published on the fields of resistance training, bodybuilding, nutrition, weight loss, or general fitness.

There are definetly niches out there that publish significantly more books compared to the health and fitness niche, but it is possible to find some quite good strength training books that are worth reading. 

This list contains the must-read strength training books – I’m sure that whether you are starting out or are already more advanced, there will be something here for you.

Starting Strength – Mark Rippetoe

“A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence. It is instructive to see what happens to these very people as their squat strength goes up.”

This is the single best strength training book out there if you want to start using big barbell compound exercises. Mark Rippetoe explains in excruciating detail every facet of Barbell training and gives you a demanding but very simple to follow training program that will guarantee fast and steady progress.

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The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding – Arnold Schwarzenegger

“I credit bodybuilding with giving me not just physical attributes but also with laying the foundation for everything else I’ve accomplished—in business, acting, even family. I know I can succeed in anything I choose, and I know this because I understand what it takes to sacrifice, struggle, persist, and eventually overcome an obstacle.”

If it comes to strength training books, this is a true classic. It is really a heavyweight of a book and for most people, it is probably an overkill. The suggested training routine will even bring experienced bodybuilders to their limit. Nevertheless, I really like the writing style, as it is no-BS advice from arguably the most famous bodybuilder of all time. I have always admired Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has exceptional drive.

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Fitness For The World – Marc Schmitt

“I find exercise the most natural and effective mood booster there is. You only have one body and one shot to look after it – and the older I get the more important I realize my health is.” Richard Branson

My upcoming strength training book “Fitness For The World” will help you to get in the best shape of your life. Period. But that is not all. Staying fit and healthy supercharges your energy levels, which is necessary for increased focus and productivity. So, lets get lean, build muscle, and look awesome. You will also feel great while doing it. Promised.

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Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning – CSCS, NSCA

“The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning.”

This is the simple best strength training book out there when it comes to comprehensive and scientific coverage of resistance training. But I am not going to recommend it to the general fitness enthusiast. It is simply too comprehensive and difficult. It is clearly an academic book written by Ph.D.’s for professionals within the strength training and conditioning field. If you want to become a professional strength coach, this is the book for you.

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Strength Training Anatomy – Frederic Delavier

“What you do not want to do is train your arms before your back or chest. This results in the biceps or triceps being too tired to handle the weight necessary to stimulate the chest and the back.”

When it comes to illustrations, this is the best strength training book on the market. No competition! It has perfect pictures, so you can see the different exercises. It is by no means a must-have book you can enjoy reading at night. It is more of a reference, which can be useful if you want to figure out how to do an exercise or which exercise you might want to incorporate into your training routine.

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Practical Programming for Strength Training – Mark Rippetoe

“The key to successful training in this stage of development is to balance these two important and opposing phenomena – the increased need for stress and the corresponding requisite increase in recovery time.”

If you are done reading Starting Strength and liked it I highly recommend you to pick up this book on strenght training programming from Mark Rippetoe as well. It goes into more detail about the science behind strength training and helps you to understand exercise programming  periodization for different competence levels. 

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Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength – Jim Stoppani

“The definitive book for weight training. Do not purchase if you are looking for a casual reference book, it will overwhelm you.”

This is probably the most science-backed pure bodybuilding book on the market. If you are tired of the bro science culture you come across in many gyms this strength straining book is the antidote. Jim Stoppani goes into excruciating details about everything related to strength training, bodybuilding, and also nutrition. It is not necessary to read it from start to finish. Just use it as quality reference.

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The Fitness Mindset – Brian Kean

“How Would It Feel To Have The Body You’Ve Always Wanted, A Huge Boost In Energy, And The Mindset To Keep It Forever?  If this sounds familiar, then The Fitness Mindset is the book for you. ”

This is an easy read and a good strength training book for beginners who are also in need of motivation and finding the right mindset. It is quite different compared to the other strength training books above, which are quite hardcore reads. If you are looking for a nice fitness book that gives you motivation and does not drain to much energy. This is the book for you.

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