About the Author

About the Author

Marc Schmitt is currently a Bangkok-based full-time digital nomad and the founder of FitnessForTheWorld.com – a fitness startup providing cutting edge fitness advice on a global scale.

Fitness For The World (Book)

Get Lean | Build Muscle | Look Awesome

Coming in early 2020


My upcoming book “Fitness For The World” will help you to get in the best shape of your life. Period. But that is not all. Fitness, in today’s world, has become more of a lifestyle rather than an activity. It can interestingly be considered as the most popular sport. And there is a reason for this.

Resistance training has a profound positive effect on most areas of our life. It will increase your energy and can dramatically boost your confidence in everyday life. You will not only look better and be healthier but people will look up to you and ask you for training advice. There is also a high likelihood that you will live longer and happier. Once you start, you will realize that a regular workout schedule is one of the most satisfying things you can do in life.

Have a look at this sentence from Arnold Schwarzenegger:

“You’ll find, as I did, that building muscle builds you up in every part of your life. What you learn here will affect everything else that you do in your life. As you witness the fruits of your labor, your self-worth and self-confidence improve, and these traits will color your work and interpersonal relationships long past your competitive days. I credit bodybuilding with giving me not just physical attributes but also with laying the foundation for everything else I’ve accomplished—in business, acting, even family. I know I can succeed in anything I choose, and I know this because I understand what it takes to sacrifice, struggle, persist, and eventually overcome an obstacle.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

Here another one from Richard Branson:

“I find exercise the most natural and effective mood booster there is. You only have one body and one shot to look after it – and the older I get the more important I realize my health is.” Richard Branson

I have found both of these statements perfectly accurate. If you are not convinced yet, wait till you have finished the first chapter and you will see that strength training is a way to turbo-charge your energy and life in astonishing ways.

Are you ready? I thought so, let’s get started. If you want to read the first chapter for FREE make sure to subscribe. I will also keep you updated and inform you immediately when the book has been released.

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